New Students




Please see the website to register your child online. Please stop by our school or call 207-282-6400 if you have any questions.

You will need to provide proof of residency. This can be a notarized letter from a family member if you are staying with someone, a lease agreement, or your tax bills if you are a homeowner. You must have this paperwork to complete registration; students cannot start without it (homeless students are exempt from this requirement).

As far as immunization records, birth certificates, etc. we can gather that from the previous school your child attended after you sign a release for us to request those records.

It's helpful if you bring your child to complete their own questionnaire that helps us accurately place them in classes at BMS.


New Student Orientation

The last week of August we offer two sessions for families to choose from for New Student Orientation, one that is 8-10 a.m. and one that is 12-2 p.m. These are optional, and you attend only one session.

We do a tour of the school, review of things like the agenda book, clubs and activities to join, Unified Arts classes, bus routine, etc. We also distribute students' schedules.

We plan for some fun games for students to get to know one another. Parents and guardians can stay or drop their student off with us. It's a great way to get started at BMS!


First Day of School

On the first day of school, your child should meet a team counselor in the main office. We will then set them up with a Student Ambassador for the day. They will shadow this student buddy for the entire day, getting a tour of the school, reviewing their schedule, meeting teachers, getting a locker, going through the lunch line, etc.

The second day they are here, they will start their own schedule. This is an easy way to transition to BMS, meet some friends along the way, and overall feel less nervous about this change.

Free Breakfast & Lunch

All students in our school receive free breakfast and lunch that meets nutrition standards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Although there is no charge, parents will be asked to complete the economic status questions during online registration as the data provided is used to determine our school funding, including Title 1 funds for special education programs, before/after and summer school programs; discounts on laptop insurance and internet; and teacher's student loan forgiveness. 

Tiger Pride

Counselor Check-Ins

Within a week of coming to BMS, a counselor or counseling intern will check in with your student to make sure the transition is going well. We ask about their bus ride, getting lunch in the cafeteria, their schedule and finding classes, if they are making friends, etc.

We want kids to have fun and report back to parents and guardians that BMS is an awesome school and that they are SO glad they moved here! If you are hearing anything different, please call us right away so we can assist your child with the transition to a new school.



Chorus & Band

We have one of the best music programs around! The teachers are extremely knowledgable and fun, and the group of kids are so kind to peers. If you have not played an instrument or have not sang in a chorus group before, not to worry! You can still join! Let us know if you are interested in trying out these classes. These are classes that are built into your schedule during the day.

Marching Band

Students who participate in Band are also part of our Marching Band! The Marching Band often performs in both the Veterans' Day and Memorial Day parades in Biddeford!

Jazz Band

Want to learn a different style of music? Students who participate in Band have the opportunity to audition and join the Jazz Band! This is an after school club.

Kid and Cat bitmoji

Clubs & Activities

Joining a club is a great way to get to know more students and make friends at BMS! Here are a few of our clubs you can join. We also have a late bus a couple of times a week that will take you home after the club meets.

Listen to announcements or check the BMS Web site or Facebook pages for more information to join!

  • Drama Club - Starts typically in November. Theater performance in about March. Even if you aren't someone who likes to be on stage, you can work on art, scenery, tech work, etc. Mrs. Hatt is the adviser.

  • Yearbook- This is a great club to join if you like taking pictures and working on the computer designing the yearbook! Lots of fun creating a great memory for the school. Ms. Duguay is the adviser.

  • Civil Rights Team- This is a group of students who want to make our school the kindest and most welcoming it could be by celebrating all types of people. This is a new club and will be advised by Ms. Yandell.

Tiger Eyes


Getting active while working as a team is one of the most fun things you can do! Some of our sports are only open to seventh grade, but there are some open to sixth graders, too. We hope you find a great team to work with. Just remember: even if you've never played a sport, now is the time to start and try something new! It's OK, we will teach you! To sign up for a sport, listen to announcements at the start of the season! Mr. Karl Lebreux is our Athletic Director who you can always ask questions to as well.

6th Grade Sports:

  • Cross Country

  • Soccer

  • Field Hockey

  • Indoor Track

  • Wrestling

  • Outdoor Track

7th Grade Sports:

  • Field Hockey

  • Soccer

  • Football

  • Cheering

  • Cross Country

  • Volleyball

  • Basketball

  • Indoor Track

  • Wrestling

  • Lacrosse

  • Baseball

  • Softball

  • Outdoor Track